I am proud to offer a lifetime warranty for every Neat Leather item purchased from neatleather.com
I stand by the design, quality and craftsmanship of my goods which is why I'm happy to cover any general wear and tear incurred during the lifetime of your items including but not limited to zippers, hardware, stitching, and fabric defects.
Please note that every item is subject to review. All repairs require proof of purchase.
If you have a question about an item, please contact me at [email protected].
Lifetime warranty FAQ
- What does the lifetime warranty mean?
- The lifetime warranty refers to the length of time, through normal use, a Neat Leather product will function for its intended purpose.
- What does general wear mean?
- General wear is the expected, organic decomposition of leather or fabric materials over a sustained period of regular usage. Use of any Neat Leather item outside reasonable expected use voids the lifetime warranty.
- What qualifies an item for repair or replacement?
- Repairing an existing item my preferred course of action. However, on a case-by-case basis, an item may be deemed beyond the scope of normal repair and I may decide to replace it. If you find your Neat Leather item too treasured to part with and a replacement item is unwanted, I will happily repair it to the best of my ability. In these cases, please be aware that, if a substantial amount of labor is involved, some repairs may incur a charge. Moreover, if a defective item results in replacement, we are unable to return the original product.
- How long do repairs take?
- I will make every effort to expedite the repair process and return your item as efficiently as possible. Repair time will be subject to work capacity and seasonal constraints.